Blogger Tricks


Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

T-shirt that fits in the area of ​​Indonesia

T-shirt that fits in the area of ​​Indonesia

Speaking of shirts, all people would understand, yes if you do not understand at least know where the shirts are good and which are less good. In tropical areas, t-shirts that you wear should not be too thick or too thin (medium size only), because it will make you more comfortable.
One example type of material that you should wear t-shirts
- Cotton combed,

Keunggulanya fiber yarn is more subtle. Results Knitted and more flat appearance.
If used it will feel comfortable. combed cotton have some type is: 20s, 24S, 30s, 40S. The bigger the number, the more delicate and thin material, and the more expensive price. For T In distro in general use type 20 s and 30s, while for other species, usually used also to serve peasanan of specific customer who requested a special design and material.

Materials should be what you use, so that in carrying out daily activities you do not feel burdened by things that smell of hot, humid which can eliminate or reduce your enthusiasm today.
To add your spirit, here I specifically made ​​this shirt for you with a design which would not be owned by a number of people over 20 (Only 20 shirts will be in print and 20% discount to this day)

for ordering shirts diove click here

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

How to order

How To Order :
Please send complete customer data and t-shirts to be ordered into an email
Or Jump to our mobile phone number.
After that we will reply to the buyer.

# To resseler please contact us directly or through our email
"These shirts are limited edition and only printed 25 shirts only"
available a variety of sizes:

Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

blaast Tee-Shirt

New Tee-Shirt blaast is here !!!!

Tee-Shirt blaast

Buy now tee shrit blaast,!

java script in connection with the competition to be held by blaast we intentionally want to participate in things that we can, with this shirt can hopefully add to the spirit of the participants of the competition held by blaast

We also give discount 20% for participants blaast competition, for which non-participants we also love a discount of course that is equal to 10% but only for purchase today

About how to purchase Buy now !! diskon 20% for today

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Tee-Shirt Bada

Tee-Shirt Bada is here !!!!

New Tee-Shirt Bada #37 A

New Tee-Shirt Bada #37 B 

New Tee-Shirt Bada #37 C

New Tee-Shirt Bada #37 D

The new tee shirts bada,

today, I dedicate this shirt to the lovers and Pengemar bada, in various parts of the world. Regarding the Bada is a blue ocean for pengembag and smartphone subscribers which was inaugurated in 2010. That is why we make this shirt special for lovers bada, and hopefully this shirt in demand by lovers and fans of Bada.

Bada shirts can be ordered directly here,


Tee-Shirt Android Honeycomb

Tee-Shirt Android Honeycomb is here!!

 Bassed comes with android theme again, this time we provide desihn which 99% is similar to the original logo you know, why?
because here we want to show the elegant and powerful impression on our t-shirt design denagn little light effects of our screen printing t-shirts will complement the features of this android. one more thing special of this shirt, the shirt will only be found here, today.
Tee shirts Android honeycomb., Now cans be found here with diskon20% for each purchase
buy now!!! for the lucky buyer

.HCKR the line Stvvl

Te-shirt .HCKR Line Stvvl

Sprayinjecton back!
After the. HCKR we hold for a while due to security reasons the design, but today, this minute, seconds this can be found here, with 30% discount for every purchase of the shirts. HCKR
. HCKR will add to the impression of a system dibadan you when you wear this shirt, get it now
for buyers the.HCKR Buy now!! diskon 30% for today

Tee-Shirt earth #30007

New Tee-Shirt earth #30007

This took the concept of t-shirts that no one is capable of blocking us except our own, that sometimes we ourselves who have become determinants of ourselves.
fire in the T-shirt image illustrates that we can accomplish anything as long as there is a balanced effort with what we dream.

we dedicate this shirt just for our loyal customers, who are always proud to be himself to become a better person than before.

For those interested in buying this shirt click here

Senin, 09 Mei 2011

First Logo Carnaluna and the result

Result of making a company logo Alternative Software

Logo first and the results

Carnaluna is a software company engaged in the game.,

after a long bediskusi with our team, about their first game logo this logo finally succeeded diselesaikan.Dengan Powerful results for their game

Carnaluna been appropriate ,entrust the company logo here so what are you waiting for ....
 whether you'renext ,

#Bassed of the Day

Te-shirt #bassed 30007

Shrit Tee is the one who will be the best icon of bassed with a simple design, indicating a major role bassed simple in terms of meaning but has a meaning that is strong enough to accompany your days be a day for more spirit than ever, reservations this time will get diskon30% for every 2 purchases Bassed shirt of the day today,
Immediately bassed shirt message here,

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Lime bassed #30007

Tee-Shrit lime  #30007 BASSED
The Lime theme bassed
This theme presents design services specifically for GO GREEN Indonesia, hopefully with the design of the lime to this theme will be reminded that how important we must support the GO GREEN in our respective countries but it must begin from our own self-awareness at the start of the environment around us.
Today you can get this t-shirt with a fantastic discount (only for purchase today)
click here to order the shirts bassed

Save Earth #30007

Tee-Shirt Save Earth #30007

T-Shirt Save My Earth

These shirts are designed to form a country we occupy. Where we live in this country that contains lots of ideas and a variety of art created in this city.
of it was we agreed to print this shirt to appreciate various forms of art and culture that have been born in this country.

This shirt diceatak limited, the message this shirt right now or run out of tomorrow.

click here for t-shirts pemebelian Save my earth

Jumat, 06 Mei 2011


T shirt Eat bassed

Eat Design bassed on this day emerged with a more attractive color in the basic color shirts, we apply this to the printing screen printing is more light, the color of its own bassed will soon appear when the shirt is worn, it takes you to more color today when bassed besides anda.kaos It also can be found today only in our design services

Messages EAT Bassed shirt today will get a discount of 10% (only for the day buyer today)

Message T-shirts now EAT Bassed


Rabu, 04 Mei 2011




this time the. HCKR comes with a dark purple color with a stencil that flashes when it is dark we call the Dark. HCKR. with a stencil that lights when the dark will add a fantastic impression when you wear this shirt.

These shirts can be found right now, for the purchase today, will get 10% discount for every purchase of T-shirts DARK. HCKR

for those interested to buy this shirt click here

Navy Red .HCKR


One more of our design, spray injection ...

Navy red HCKR theme design in a system that will add a new impression when you wear this shirt. after 2 weeks before we have issued the first design. HCKR and has received tremendous response from our customers, therefore we remove the mold with a different color for customers and consumers can vote with their color., with. HCKR individual consumer choice

And now get this shirt soon, here


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